Facilitating Inclusive Practices FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

For additional questions or clarifications, interested applicants may reach out to Dr. Aimee Weinstein at aweinste@gmu.edu.

To apply, complete an online application.

1. How can I apply to be a Facilitator?

Fill out an online application. After submitting, you will be called for a brief interview.

2. When are the application deadlines?

DEADLINE EXTENDED - Applications are due by 11:59 PM ET on February 14, 2025. Interviews will take place in early February, with decisions about acceptance expected in late February.

3. Do I have to take all 7 available workshops to enter this program?

​​​​​No, but you must complete four (4) of the prerequisite workshops by May 2025 to begin work as a facilitator.

4. Do I have to attend a workshop specific to this program?

​​​​​​Yes, there will be two (2) half-day workshops in late March that all new potential facilitators will attend (dates TBD).

5. Who is eligible to become a facilitator?

Any faculty or staff member at George Mason who has been here for at least a year and can complete the other application requirements (having taken the prerequisite workshops and attended the March half-day workshops) can become a facilitator.

6. Is this work in addition to my regular work at George Mason?

​​​​​​Yes, working as a facilitator through this experience is a separate commitment from your regular departmental work.

7. Will I be compensated for my work as a facilitator?

​​​​​While you will not be paid directly for your work, you may become eligible for a Mason Impact Award, which not only recognizes your work above and beyond your usual duties, but also comes with a small stipend.

8. How many workshops do I need to facilitate?

You can facilitate as many as you choose.  You will receive offers to facilitate as the needs arise, and will be able to choose whether to accept depending on your own schedule.